Useful links
The following resources will help you find answers to the following popular questions: opening/closing a business, implementing a business during the quarantine period, tax issues within the framework of quarantine measures, financial assistance during the quarantine, current SME support programs, opportunities to attract financing, opportunities and conditions lending under the state program “Affordable loans 5-7-9%” and much more.
This list is not an exhaustive source of useful information. Instead, it’s a starter list that will help you stay up to date with the latest developments and updates that are constantly progressing.

State information service StartBusiness-Challenge
The portal provides step-by-step instructions with detailed information on permit documents for more than 180 types (cases) of business (from a coffee shop to the creation of an architectural office). The requirements of quarantine restrictions have already been integrated into these cases. The regulatory base of the service is regularly updated with new cases added to the portal by the Office of Effective Regulation.

Дія public services portal
The portal provides an opportunity to obtain all information about state (administrative) services, their list, conditions of receipt, necessary documents, cost, terms, etc. and to quickly register as an entrepreneur online.

Communication platform for technical regulation in Ukraine
The portal provides an opportunity to obtain all information about state (administrative) services, their list, conditions of receipt, necessary documents, cost, terms, etc. and to quickly register as an entrepreneur online.

Kropyvnytskyi Administrative Services Center in the “Transparent Office” format
The center provides offline and online services in the areas of state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, real property rights, land relations, migration, construction, industrial supervision, permit documents, etc.

State portal Дія.Бізнес
Useful tips and services for entrepreneurs, free basic consulting support, online school for entrepreneurs, list of business support programs from the state and donors, chatbot for entrepreneurs.

Business Development and Export Office
Free online educational platform for entrepreneurs “Ecom School” on e-commerce and digital services from EVO

MEREZHA professional consultation platform
Verified experts, free diagnostic sessions, business consulting support programs from the EBRD, case studies, webinars, personalized business content

Free consultations for future and existing entrepreneurs
The platform provides an opportunity to receive free online and offline consultations from experienced experts and recommendations for solving various issues

Online platform for small business
Free online platform for small businesses on legal issues and conducting business from the EBRD, contains information on practical legal and business recommendations for choosing the optimal way of business development

Online platform for entrepreneurs
Support and promotion of export of goods, works and services of Ukrainian manufacturers

Academy for women entrepreneurs
A global initiative of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State, which covers more than 60 countries and aims to strengthen the economic potential of 50 million women by 2025

Ukrainian platform Women in Business
Brings together women entrepreneurs, representatives of women’s business associations and mentors for development and training, generation of new ideas and implementation of joint projects

360 Tech Ecosystem Overview
Online platform for finding business information of IT companies, people, investors and, in general, the entire technological ecosystem of Ukraine

OnFrontiers platform
A cost-effective and efficient consultant search service that allows clients to access a global network of more than 30,000 international experts from different countries, industries, types of activity and business niches who can be engaged as consultants to solve specific business problems, strategic or narrow niche tasks of your organization

Service for finding business partners Comfound (Comfound)
An online service that helps to find partners for the fastest possible implementation of the planned project based on the skills, experience, education and resources that they are ready to invest in the implementation of the project

Online service for verification of Ukrainian companies YouControl
Analytical system for compliance, market analysis, business intelligence and investigations, information is generated from 200 official registers of Ukraine

Online exhibitions and events for entrepreneurs
Current exhibitions and events for entrepreneurs with the possibility to view information about the participants of the exhibitions, their products and contact them directly through the website

Online journal for entrepreneurs OstApp.Journal
Simple and clear about doing business, accounting, taxes, relations with employees
GOVERNMENT AND DONOR SUPPORT FOR BUSINESS (support programs and projects)

Section “Services and opportunities” on the State portal Дія.Бізнес
Information about the conditions of current state and donor programs

State program “Affordable loans 5-7-9”
State lending program for small and medium-sized businesses

Educational support site within the “5-7-9” program
On the site, you can go through a checklist for compliance with the terms of the “5-7-9” program, get useful tips on completing banking procedures, download a standardized business plan and instructions for filling it out. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the video course on preparing a business plan “From knowledge to money”

“єПідтримка” program
Program for targeted financing of vulnerable business categories during quarantine

Entrepreneurship Development Fund (FDP)
The fund implements a number of donor and state credit programs for businesses and citizens through a network of accredited partner banks

Regional entrepreneurship support fund in the Kirovohrad region
A separate legal institution created for support, including financial support, and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the region

Ukrainian startup fund
The fund provides financial support to Ukrainian startups in the form of grants of 25,000 and 50,000 USD, respectively, without equity. The startup has the opportunity to receive up to $75,000 for development and ongoing operations, as well as up to $10,000 for the acceleration program in international and Ukrainian accelerators

Network of academic startup incubators YEP!
An entrepreneurship program that helps you create your own startup in 3 months with the help of business mentors

All-Ukrainian Innovation Ecosystem “Sikorsky Challenge Ukraine” (SCU)
Supports the creation of start-up companies and small high-tech enterprises that bring new high-tech products and services to local, national and global markets.

National Research Fund of Ukraine
The Foundation conducts open competitive selection of scientific projects that will be financed with grant support

Ukrainian Social Venture Fund
The fund invests in and supports social enterprises whose business models are based on achieving social and environmental change
Projects and programs financed within the scope of international technical assistance projects (the list is not exhaustive)

A website about business support opportunities from the European Union initiative – EU4Business
Information on the possibilities of support and development of SMEs from programs and projects of the EU initiative EU4Business

USAID Program “Competitive Economy of Ukraine”
The program supports startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to increase their competitiveness in the domestic market of Ukraine and in international markets

EU program “Horizon Europe” (Horizon Europe)
The aim of the program is to promote industrial modernization through concerted research and innovation efforts. The program plan developed by the European Commission envisages a 50% increase in funding for science in the EU to overcome the crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19

Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) Social Investment Program
Enables entrepreneurs and businesses to address social and environmental issues through financial investment and sound business practices

Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) Export Promotion Program
Support of small and medium-sized enterprises in order to promote them in international markets

The only export web portal Бізнес.Експорт
On the portal, you can assess your readiness for export, get access to useful services and services, find partners, get acquainted with analytics on countries and markets

Export Credit Agency (ECA)
The agency provides a wide range of financial support to Ukrainian exporting companies in the form of insurance and reinsurance services within the framework of the execution of foreign economic contracts and loans raised for such purposes

The Council of Exporters and Investors under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
The Council supports domestic exporters by expanding existing sales markets and diversifying domestic export flows

Electronic trading platforms, databases of enterprises of foreign countries
Information about electronic trading platforms, databases of enterprises of the country of accreditation, etc., which can be used to search for business partners

Public procurement abroad
An information platform for Ukrainian exporters, which provides up-to-date information on the possibilities of expanding the export of Ukrainian products through participation in international tenders and competitive events, including and electronic

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (CCI)
The Chamber provides a wide range of services for business, including issues of entering foreign markets, certification of goods and services, patent and licensing services, etc.

Kirovohrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KRTPP)
The Chamber provides a full range of traditional services to ensure foreign economic activity, places business offers and information about companies in international databases, searches for reliable partners abroad and in Ukraine for cooperation

Business information support center at KRTPP
The center was founded with the support of the EBRD as part of the EU initiative EU4Business and conducts business events of various formats for entrepreneurs

State Information and Analytical Center for Monitoring Foreign Commodity Markets
The leading information-analytical and expert center in Ukraine for research of external and internal markets of goods and services.

Educational programs and online training for the development of competencies
Comprehensive and sectoral educational programs that will help prepare for full-fledged export activities and increase sales volumes abroad

Enterprise European Network (EEN)
A free tool that allows you to search for partners in the European Union and beyond. Register a company profile and find favorable offers for exporting your products

BePartner search service for business partners and investors
Online platform for finding and meeting entrepreneurs, business partners, specialists, investors

The European Commission
Information on import duty rates of the Customs Tariff of the European Union

Investment attraction and support office (UkraineInvest)
Specially authorized state institution to support investment projects with significant investments in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine

Agency for support of public-private partnership
Specially authorized state institution to support high-quality and investment-attractive public-private partnership projects in various areas of the economy

European Business Association (EBA)
The association provides companies with the opportunity to jointly resolve issues important to the investment climate of Ukraine and improve it for the benefit of industry, society, the economy and the country as a whole

Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF)
The fund has more than 25 years of experience in successfully investing in small and medium-sized businesses

Інвестиційна платформа для учасників венчурного ринку Startup.Network
Helps entrepreneurs to quickly find the first rounds of investment for their startups, investors to effectively invest money, and professional consultants to earn money from it

Ukrainian Investment and Trade Promotion Center (ITFC)
An expert platform specializing in investment, trade and trade policy issues with international experience

Regional Development Agency of Kirovohrad region
It was created to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses by attracting investors and implementing projects in the region
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ISSUES (trademarks, patents, etc.)

Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property (Ukrpatent)
Institutional component of the state system of legal protection of intellectual property in Ukraine

Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs)
Provide applicants with professional advice and support in the field of intellectual property law, as well as raising awareness of the acquisition, use and protection of intellectual property among representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, startups, inventors and creative industries

Intellectual property in Ukraine
A resource on copyright and industrial property issues

Prozorro electronic public procurement platform
An online platform where state and utility customers announce tenders for the purchase of goods, works and services, and business representatives compete at auctions for the opportunity to supply it to the state. On the platform you can also find instructions, explanations and practical materials for entrepreneurs who plan to participate in public procurement

Electronic online auction platform Prozorro.Продажі
Electronic system of online auctions for sale, lease or distribution of state and communal assets. Here you can find additional resources in the form of state or communal property for starting or developing your business

Council of the Business Ombudsman
The Council of the Business Ombudsman represents and protects the interests of business in state bodies. Businesses can be referred to the Council for pre-trial resolution of disputed issues that have arisen within the framework of the relationship between an entrepreneur and a state body, service or inspection

Inspection portal
On the portal, you can familiarize yourself with the plans and results of checks by your identification code or name, the portal also implements the Entrepreneur’s Assistant service and the “Easy Checks. Business Advisor” Guide

National platform of SMEs
The platform is an all-Ukrainian public initiative, the purpose of which is to consolidate the efforts of small and medium-sized business entities of all sectors and regions of Ukraine for the development of the national economy, revitalization of entrepreneurial activity, improvement of business conditions in Ukraine and strengthening of Ukraine’s role in the global economic environment
Other useful government information resources:

Government portal

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

State Tax Service of Ukraine

State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

State Customs Service of Ukraine

State Export Control Service of Ukraine

State Regulatory Service of Ukraine

State Statistics Service of Ukraine

State Employment Center

Державна служба України з питань праці

State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection

Ukrainian research and training center for problems of standardization, certification and quality